FiberFort Events

Fiber Fort founder presents at 2023 SXSW

Fiber Fort founder presents at 2023 SXSW assembled a group of industry professionals to present at South by Southwest® (SXSW®) 2023 on March 11th. Fiberfort founder, Kim Croes, will educate the audience on building with hemp along with Ray Kaderll, president of the US Hemp Building...

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The Why & How of Building with Hemp

The Why & How of Building with Hemp

Building with industrial hemp is a rapidly growing trend in sustainable construction. Not only is it eco-friendly, but it also offers superior insulation and fire resistance properties. In this article, we'll explore the whys and hows of building with industrial hemp...

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Hempcrete Workshop

Hempcrete Workshop

The second hands on hempcrete workshop with fiberfort. This time a retrofit bathroom. I will be teaching about the process to retrofit a building for hempcrete, how to get the proper mix, and how to install. Also I will discuss the properties and finishing options of...

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